Sunday, October 24, 2010

My first blog

Hey everyone! I am new to this blogging thing, so bear with me. I wanted to start a blog so I can share my adventures in cooking with everyone. I don't know if I'll be entertaining, enlightening, or funny, but I hope to share my cooking experiences with you. Let me tell you about myself. I am 100% Italian, although my ex-husband will say I am 10% Hungarian or some other Slavic nationality (no offense), but I am definitely true to my Italian heritage when it comes to cooking, eating and entertaining. I panic whenever I have friends over because I think.....I don't have enough food! I proceed to make another list and head out to the grocery store and buy three more bottles of wine and 5 more pounds of chicken...."just in case". It always turns out fabulous and everyone goes home fat and happy. My intent for this blog is to share my recipies and adventures in cooking with you. Tonight I grilled New York strips, grilled portobellos, red peppers and asparagus for me and my 13 year old son. I cook for my friends, my family, my son or even just myself. I do it not only because it relaxes me and is therapeutic, but...yes, I'll admit it......I love to eat!! I will share my recipes I make up myself and the ones I make with my friend Bonnie and her family. Whenever I show up to their house, it's an instant party..even if it's a Tuesday. More to come. Tomorrow I'll be teaching Bonnie and family how to embrace Asian cuisine. Trying to teach an old dog new tricks? Maybe.

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